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  1. Thank you so much for writing this! It is so helpful, I’ve not long started my page and I had no idea about hashtags and looking at impressions. Now I have more of an idea on have to get my page growing x

  2. Great tips, thank you for sharing! My question is how would growth occur when I myself am very uncomfortable posting selfies, videos of myself, etc. I am not at all comfortable with posting my face! I’m a writer and I try to use photos/ videos with captions only, no selfies. Thanks!

    1. My pleasure! I can relate, I actually hate being in photos and videos and that’s why if you look at my travel content, in post of the shots you only see the back of my head. The purpose of my page is sharing travel guides, so I don’t need to be the star of the show – I want to highlight the destination. I only appear in some shots to give context to the image so that other women can imagine themselves travelling to these destinations. There is a big trend of faceless content online so absolutely you can grow an account without showing your face. I would recommend filming “b-roll” content that relates to your writing and sharing that.

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