Nice to meet you!
Hi, I’m Kelsey 🙂 I’m a London-based travel blogger and photographer. I’m often described as the internet’s older sister. Not only will I make you laugh, I have the confidence and courage to be direct with you, and I promise to only ever share my honest thoughts – like I would with my siblings or best friend. And I’ll be there to lift you up when you need it the most.
My mission isn’t just to showcase unique and breathtaking destinations, hotels, and restaurants, I also want to encourage you to live your best life possible! Whether that’s inspiring you to book a solo trip, pick up a camera, or by giving you a much-needed kick up your bum to go and apply for your dream job.
My passion is to help others, particularly women in the creative industry. I’m the founder of Creative Gal Gang, a not-for-profit community that has grown to over 7000 members. This empowering space unites female creatives, including content creators, photographers, models, writers, and a myriad of talented individuals from the UK. It’s free to join, click here to become a member, we’d love to have you!
Kelsey in London started in 2016 when I yeeted myself from sunny Australia, all the way to the cold, miserable, and wet city I now call home, London. Except, it doesn’t actually rain that much here and I have truthfully fallen head over heels in love with England’s capital. Living in London opened up a whole new world of opportunities for me, in work, in love, and the endless possibilities of travel. I truly couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
I’ve worked in the creative industry for over 15 years, with a background in graphic design, photography, and marketing. 20 years if you count teaching myself how to code thanks to MySpace. So naturally, I’ve always had an eye for aesthetically pleasing things and began sharing photos from my European adventures online.
While originally my Instagram may have started as a digital dumping ground for my pixelated selfies from my iPhone 4, nowadays I have an audience of over 1 million travel-obsessed individuals across my social media pages and blog. Fortunately for you guys, I’ve since upgraded my camera and take pride in creating shareable and saveable travel guides to add to your ever-growing bucket list.

a few of my favorite things
Favorite destination
Coffee order
Iced Latte
Couldn’t live without
White noise
Favorite movie
Little Women (1994)
My guilty pleasure
Snicker pods (IYKYK)
Favorite ColoUr
On repeat
David Bowie
Currently Binging